Other Bikes

We have WindVest Motorcycle Windshields for the following bikes and models:

American Iron Horse




Outlaw /Slammer

Big Dog Mastiff

Big Dog Bulldog

Big Dog Pitbull



Titan Gecko

Titan Phoenix

Big Bear Chopper


Texas Chopper / Legend (1 ¼’)  03 –  Present      

Texas Chopper / Legend (1 ½”) 02 & Earlier


We also have dozens of custom fits, including:

1” T-Style Drag Bar

1.50” Fat Riser Kit for T style drag bars

1.25” Super Long Kit

1” Round and Oval Risers

1.25” Fat Riser Kit for T Style drag

1.25” Handle Bar Mount

1.25” for Road King &Nacelle

1.25” P Clamp Handle Bar Mount Kit

1.25” Handlebar Mount for gauges

…And so much more!


Give us a call at (877) 370-7326 or email at sales@windvest.com today!



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